This is disk 570 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. DirWork A fast, small, efficient, DirUtility. Configurable options and buttons, as well as all the usual features. Comes with external configuration editor. This is version 1.43, an update to version 1.31 on disk 511. Shareware, binary only. Author: Chris Hames Fass A program which lets you reassign the FONTS: directory at the touch of a few keys without having to use the CLI. Version 1.02, includes source. Author: Jan van den Baard GadToolsBox A program that lets you draw/edit GadTools gadgets and menus and then generates the corresponding C or assembly code for you. This is version 1.0, an update to the version on disk 547, where it was known as PowerSource. Includes source. Author: Jan van den Baard MenuLock A program that lets you "lock" the menu strip of a window at the touch of a few keys, making it easier to browse the menu without accidentally selecting anything. Version 1.01, includes source. Author: Jan van den Baard View A text displayer with many controls and features including searches, file requestors, jump to editor etc. This is version 1.6, an update to version 1.0 on disk 504, with a few bugs fixed and some new features. Includes source. Author: Jan Van Den Baard